Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday Night

This is Joshua’s nemesis…and his fork, spoon, knife, and plate. For the next few days everything he eats goes through this tube.

This is one of the leg cuffs that Josh is supposed to wear whenever he is in bed. He loves them. Every 60 second or so they inflate like blood pressure cuffs. The purpose is to keep the blood flowing steadily even when he’s not moving.

Drumroll please…Josh’s first post-op picture. Isn’t he handsome?! Aren’t you amazed at the difference?! I am.
This is before he really started swelling, though his lips are a little puffy.

We are heading home tomorrow morning. Please pray that the road will be smooth and Josh can sleep the whole way.

1 comment:

girl on a roof said...

Wow! I can see a difference! We will be praying for the recovery!