Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home Again!

We're home! Josh slept the whole way with no sickness or discomfort - thanks to fervent prayers from everyone involved. Right before we left the hospital Josh said, "I'm asking God to let me not throw up." We went a little overboard packing him in the car; with an egg crate foam, 7 pillows, and 2 blankets he looked like he was lost in a snow drift.

It's uncomfortable for him to talk but he's going to start looking at the blog so feel free to leave him messages.


PSIrwin said...

Josh - I am so excited that you guys made it safely home with no incidents along the road! Being in a snowdrift actually sounds like a little bit of fun...! I know your mom and sister took good care of you and I can't wait to see the amazing results. We're praying for swift healing and lots of good liquid good...numyummy.
love you!

Rich Stephens said...

Grats on making it out alive dude. I have a picture in my head of you in the car, encased in foam, pillows, and blankets like they packed Jamie's china when we moved.s

dianne said...

Josh, you do not know me but I have known your family for many years, long before you were born. Your grandpa was Minister of youth and music in Ashburn and your grandmother is one of my most treasured friends. What a privilege to pray for your healing.

Dianne Huff