Saturday, October 25, 2008


This is the look Josh wore in to surgery. Frankly, I was impressed they were able to contain all that hair.

Josh is doing great! He’s been up and walking…complete with a stylish set of pjs…and drinking juice. The nurse said he can drink any liquid that he’s interested in, even beer. Of course, he isn’t drinking beer just Coca-cola and juice.

He’s able to speak a lot more clearly today and he really isn’t in much pain, though I don’t understand how that’s possible. Today he’s hit the peak of his swelling and when he saw himself in the mirror for the first time he wasn’t happy. He asked if he looked like Jimminy Glick (Martin Short’s fat-suit character); the answer is “no.” We think he has been focused more on the end result and didn’t fully realize that his post-op look would be so different both from his previous face and the final version of his face…the nurse said it would be 6 weeks before he saw the full results.

1 comment:

Rich Stephens said...

Well, even if he DOES look like Jiminy Glick right now...better that than looking like Ed Grimley later :)