Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nochturnal Hallucinations

Ok, so this is my second time posting on any kind of blog so I'm going to give it the ol' college try. Because of the large amount of drugs that have gone through my system and the hours upon hours of sleep I've gotten on our extremely comfortable couch, my subconscious has experienced several vivid and very strange dreams. For example I woke up about 0545 hours this morning and came into the living room to drink something through my extremely messy syringe. After my morning dosage of flat Coca-Cola - because pushing fully-carbonated Coke through a syringe is even messier than pushing flat Coke through a syringe - I began to fall asleep. I awoke to the sound of multiple dogs barking and our chickens flipping out, so I went to investigate. As I got closer and closer I saw that there was a pack of about 5 or 6 wolfhounds poking around the chicken coop. As I neared closer one of them spotted me and began to skulk towards me. I reached into my pocket and realized I had no way to protect myself; I immediately looked to my right and saw three men on three-wheelers. They too spotted me and one of them started to wander towards me. As I stood there, no means of defense and surrounded I awoke; yes, the entire experience was a dream. Very strange indeed. I'll be sure to update with more strange dreams and other experiences like that. Oh, and on the subject of the surgery: I am slowly gaining back feeling in my face, my lips' swelling have gone down and I'm more energetic. Keep me in your prayers.


1 comment:

Danny said...

Been praying for you, dude. So glad it went well. Try not to kill any non-existent hounds in your sleep!